Raw Snickers Slice

This is the most delicious, indulgent treat and probably one of the best things I have ever eaten. I got the idea for this recipe from Tara at Such Different Skies and used a mixture of her recipe, a recipe from Detoxinista, as well as a bit of my own input. Enjoy!


For the base

1 cup almond meal Continue reading

Cauliflower & Leek Soup

soupCauliflower would have to be one of my favourite vegetables not just because it tastes great but also because it is so versatile. Don’t believe me? Just check out my recipes for cauliflower sushi, cauliflower tacos, kale & cauliflower TabooliButter chicken with cauliflower cream or my friend Maddy’s recipe for Cauliflower Couscous.

This soup is no exception in the taste department and it will leave you feeling full and satisfied after eating it. I put some kale and nori sheets under the grill then crushed them up and sprinkled them over the soup with some chicken strips. This worked really well but some fresh herbs and spices would also taste great on top.

Makes 2 servings Continue reading

4 Simple Recipe Ideas

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you may have come across some of these recipes already, but I thought I would share these on the blog for those of you that aren’t social media obsessed (go you if that is the case). These are just a few quick, easy but delicious meal and snack ideas that anyone can make.

Passionfruit and Avocado Ice Creams


Sounds like a weird combo but the avocado makes them really creamy and the sweetness of the passionfruit hides the taste of the avo so it’s a perfect summer treat for the kiddies.

Makes 10 bite sized ice creams Continue reading

Kale Tabouli


Happy 2014 to everyone! This year I am going to make more of an effort to include more savoury recipes on the blog that include heaps of veggies and nutrients in fun and delicious ways. But don’t worry, I will still be including some sweet recipes as well! I feel that this is the perfect recipe to start off the new year; this is a Continue reading